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What's New At Sound Productions LLC
ZimMusic: Production Music Library

".... Thanks again for the fine score .... We've had many compliments on the finished show and the music. You really helped bring the animated and video sequences to life, establishing a unique tone and mood for each." - Hewitt Associates
> What's New At Sound Productions LLC

What's New At Sound Productions LLC

I have recently composed the scores for 2 IMAX films- Ancient Caves and Astronaut. The scores were recorded in Prague and I conducted several of the cues. See the clips below for some behind the scenes action.

My music has recently shown up in a wide variety of places including A&E, PBS, History Channel and Discovery.

Documentary work includes scores for Yale University and an educational film on Bullying.

For more information about Bruce Zimmerman and Sound Productions please contact me via the contact page.

Ancient Caves Clips

Ancient Caves Recording Session 1
Ancient Caves Recording Session 2
Ancient Caves Behind The Scenes
Ancient Caves Recording Session 3

IMAX and More. Music Scoring Demo